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Why blog? If you are new to digital marketing, blogging is one of the best and most practical methods to build trust and show your expertise in your area of influence. If you are an established professional blogger with your business blog this might is an excellent tool to help you refocus and help create new, engaging content to drive new business or build awareness for your brand. In any case, blogging is an ideal strategy to help you tell your story - Why did you get into business? What's your passion? What would you share with your audience to let them know about your expertise? Who can you interview to grow your knowledge or to build new relationships?

ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHALLENGE?  You can be a newbie or an expert to join this challenge but I would like you to commit to blogging consistently and complete the entire 30 days. It can be a few times a day or a few times a week. I am challenging myself to one per day for the next 30 days here for my Brand Coach blog. (This is Day 1 for me!) I'm going to encourage you and provide tips here and with the hashtag: #bloglikeaboss. Start any time, but start! 


If you would like to participate, please leave a comment with your blog title, the link to your blog, and how often you will be blogging. If you don't have a blog, I would highly recommend Medium, a free blog site that you can start up in minutes. If you have any questions, email me:

Follow #bloglikeaboss for tips and share your blog posts.

If you or your company would like to embark on your own blogging and custom content marketing strategy, contact me to discuss coaching details. I provide consulting and content creation services for clients to accomplish your company/organization objectives. Email me at:

Keep Branding!

Ken DeGilio, Brand Coach

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